
Curriculum Intent

Our Physics curriculum intends to promote exploration and understanding of the world around us. We aim to inspire and challenge students to engage in the wonderment and awe of everyday. Our content is presented in an order that tells a coherent and logical story through physics, with a strong emphasis on using practicals to embed skills and knowledge.  We encourage teamwork, logical problem solving and clarity of communication.

Physics should encourage students to ask questions about the world around them and develop the skills needed to investigate them. Students learn how to apply theory to real-world issues from global energy, communications, ionising radiation, mechanics, right up to fundamental particle and quantum physics, where their study may make a real impact on our future.

Physics is offered as:

  • Core subject Years 7, 8 & 9
  • GCSE Core Years 10 & 11
  • IB Years 12 & 13

Key Stage 3 Science

Key Stage 4 Physics

Curriculum overview

 Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6
Year 10EnergyElectricityParticle model of matterAtomic structureForces – motion and newtons lawsForces – pressure, moments and springs
Year 11Waves – principles and properties of wavesWaves – electromagnetic spectrum and properties of lightElectricity and magnetismSpaceRevision 


Year 10

Students start by learning that nothing can happen without the transfer of energy, leading to an enhanced understanding of the universe. They are introduced to the idea that energy can be determined by measurements and that an appreciation of energy can help us make informed decisions about our uses of energy and their consequences. In the next topic we look at static and current electricity, using practical activities to investigate different types of circuit, including factors affecting resistance. They discover how electricity is transmitted to homes and about the energy and power transfers involved. Particle models are explored, including ideas about internal energy and specific heat capacity, along with their role when thinking about density. Students are introduced to some of the ideal gas laws. In “atomic structure”, students learn more about the current model of the atom and how this has been developed. They are introduced to ionising radiation and consider hazards relating to using them. The Forces topic teaches what forces are and what they do, including how motion can be calculated, Newton’s laws, turning effects and pressure. Throughout the course, students are given opportunities to carry out investigations and develop their practical skills.

Year 11

Students learn about light and sound as waves, as well as how other electromagnetic waves behave. They investigate the behaviour of waves and learn about some of their uses, including in medicine. Students learn the key terms used to describe waves and how to accurately draw ray diagrams for lenses. Following this, we look at the basics of magnetism and the links between electricity and magnetism. This includes the studying of motors, generators, speakers, microphones and transformers. Students are given opportunities to practise maths skills, including rearranging equations and interpretation of graphs. The course concludes with the unit  “Space”  where we look at the origin and life cycle of the stars, including the role of gravity. We learn how we are able to state that the Universe is expanding and investigate phenomena such as red-shift and the big bang. Throughout the course, students are given opportunities to carry out investigations and develop their practical skills.


Throughout the course, students receive informal assessment via a mixture of verbal and written feedback, and using self and peer assessment. Students also experience formal mock examinations to familiarise with the examination protocol.

At the end of year 11 students are externally assessed in two written examinations:

Paper 1:Paper 2:
What’s assessed


Topics 1-4: Energy; Electricity; Particle model of matter; and Atomic structure.

 What’s assessed


Topics 5-8: Forces; Waves; Magnetism and electromagnetism; and Space physics.

How it’s assessed


  • Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
  • Foundation and Higher Tier
  • 100 marks
  • 50% of GCSE
How it’s assessed


  • Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
  • Foundation and Higher Tier
  • 100 marks
  • 50% of GCSE


• Multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open response.



• Multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open response.

In addition, students complete “required practicals” at appropriate points in the scheme of work. Knowledge on these practicals is assessed in the written papers.

Further Reading/Resources


  • The Elegant Universe – Brian Greene
  • How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog – Chad Orzel
  • The First Three Minutes– Steven Weinberg


  • Khan academy
  • Seneca Learning
  • Institute of Physics – a large range of free resources for each age group

Key Stage 5 Physics

Curriculum Overview

 Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6
Year 12

Energy production


Thermal physics

Atomic, nuclear and particle physics

Electricity and magnetism

HL: Wave phenomena

Electricity and magnetism

Option topic (TBC)


Option topic completion


HL: Electromagnetic Induction
Year 13


Circular motion and gravitation

Circular motion and gravitation

HL: Quantum and nuclear physics

Mocks and RevisionRevision  


Year 12

Physics is the most fundamental of the experimental sciences in the International Baccalaureate, as it seeks to explain the universe itself from the very smallest particles to the vast distances between galaxies. In year 12, students build upon previous knowledge to look at more complex problems such as objects in circular motion, field forces and wave theory. Models are developed to try to understand observations, and these themselves can become theories that attempt to explain the observations.

Through studying the topics outlined above, Physics students should become aware of how scientists work and communicate with each other. In addition, through the overarching theme of the “Nature of Science” this knowledge and skills will be put into the context of the way science and scientists work in the 21st century and the ethical debates and limitations of creative scientific endeavour.

Year 13

Students explore the lifecycle of the stars in detail, along with the role of gravity in the universe, including theories on how the universe was created and how it will end. They learn how to calculate the size of electromagnetic forces and use laws to predict their directions. Students go on to look at global energy use, making detailed calculations and evaluating alternatives to fossil fuels. Students enjoy looking at fundamental particles and interactions and touching on some basic Quantum theory.

Students are taught practically, with opportunities to design investigations, collect data, develop manipulative skills, analyse results, collaborate with peers and evaluate and communicate their findings. Students develop the skills to work independently on their own design, but also collegiately, including collaboration with schools in different regions, to mirror the way in which scientific research is conducted in the wider community.


Throughout the course, students receive informal assessment via a mixture of verbal and written feedback, and using self and peer assessment. Students also experience formal mock examinations to familiarise with the examination protocol. Practice practical work is carried out in preparation for the Internally assessed investigation.

Formal assessment at the end of year 13 consists of the following HL papers:

 Length of examinationWeighting
Paper 1 Multiple choice1 hour20%
Paper 2 Short answer and extended response2 hours 15 mins36%
Paper 3 Measurement and uncertainties and option topic1 hour 15 mins20%
Internal assessment10 hours lab + write up time24%

Further Reading/Resources


  • A Brief History of Time- Stephen Hawking
  • Universe in a Nutshell- Stephen Hawking
  • Three Roads to Quantum Gravity- Lee Smolin



British Values:

British Values in Physics

Rule of law: Ethics of nuclear power/medicine and global warming. Practical rules for safe practice.

Mutual respect: Peer review, applying the scientific method.

Tolerance of others’ faith and beliefs: Big bang theory